Twenty months

We had our first parent teacher meeting for you recently at your creche! It was so interesting to hear about your experiences and personality there.

  • You have started doing role playing which is advanced for your age! You and another little boy there play Mama and Papa with a baby doll together. You change nappies, put on cream and feed the baby
  • You can be very stubborn. You got that from your Dad ;-)
  • You like things done a particular way. For instance when you go to the sink to wash your hands you insist on using soap
  • You can take off your own slippers or socks and always do it yourself before nap time
  • The first few months there you would be rocked to sleep and then nap in a buggy. But since around two months ago the minder just puts your down at your sleeping spot (or you go there yourself) and she strokes you a little and you fall right asleep
  • You like to take toys from the other kids and then run away! And apparently they have already put you in time out once, where you sat on the "quiet stool"
  • You love climbing
  • You don't say many words yet but you understand a lot. When you thew some food onto the floor recently the minder said "nein, nein, nein" and then you replied "no, no, no" which made her laugh
  • Apparently you even said your first sentence there, "Liana's Mama ist da"
  • When another child is being called over, for a nappy change for instance but they aren't reacting, you will go over and bring them over yourself!

Love you always x
