Dear Mini,

Sorry that I rarely get time to write! I do want to use this space as a way to remember some of the funny and wonderful moments as time passes. Right now it's coming up to Christmas time. You are 4, only a few months away from turning 5. You are a very happy child. You love joking around and "quatsch machen" as the Germans say! Meeting new people or in big groups you can feel a little shy until you warm up. You love singing, dancing, playing barbies, lego duplo, imagination games, going to the playground. We often play chasing or What time is it mr. Wolf when we go to playgrounds and you love that.

We went to the Christmas market last weekend- you, me and Oma. Dada was too busy. But we all had a lot of fun. You loved looking in the windows at the fairtale scenes and we went on the big wheel and you ate a crepe. You do this funny thing lately where you will do a literal facepalm and it cracks me up. You are still very inquistive and it can be hard to answer all your questions as I don't always know the answers myself! Like you asked about where people and the world comes from and I was trying to explain the Big Bang and evolution theory in simple terms!

The pandemic is not full over yet but this year we have been able to get out and about more which has been great. This Christmas we'll go to spend it with my family and I know you are excited to play with your cousins.

Love you to the moon and back,
Your Mama
