Fifteen months

Dear Mini, It feels as if your development has sped up the past few months. Suddenly you have turned into a toddler and aren't a baby anymore. Of course you'll always be my baby, as corny as that sounds! Even though you still aren't saying many words, you can make your wants and needs known! You point at things you want to look at. You'll take out hands and lead us somewhere. You put your little hands above your head when you want us to lift you up. It's the sweetest thing! You have been walking since 13 months.

Last week I was singing "The Wheels on the Bus" to you. After the line, "the babies on the bus say, Wah Wah Wah", you sang "Wah Wah Wah". And when I continued, "the mummies on the bus say Shush Shush Shush" with my finger on my mouth you copied me. Although you ended up putting your finger up your noise, which made me laugh. You continue to bring such joy into your lives. I feel like I love you more and move even though I didn't think it was possible.

You started going to the KITA in March, and it took almost five weeks of the gradual process before you were fully settled there. For almost two weeks you cried when I would drop you off and it was the most heartbreaking thing. One day I went home and cried and the day after I didn't even make it home before balling and one of the minders gave me a big hug. Thankfully it was only one day that you were upset for twenty minutes- that was the longest- but you were being held and comforted by the minder. You learned that "mummy always comes back" and after that you only cried for a minute. I would often wait outside the door after dropping you off or look in the window and I was happy to see you sitting at the table enjoying breakfast with the other kids or being distracted by some toy the minder was holding.

When you aren't at the KITA, we always make sure to give you lots of attention and love. These days you enjoy running around the house exploring everything. You like to pull me into the ball pit and you roll around and laugh. We play "hide and seek" and "chasing" and they crack you up. You adore being outside as there is even more to discover! You are a good eater, trying everything although you are often too distracted to sit and eat and would rather walk around!

Last week you had a bad cold and were sick. It was awful seeing you upset and we did our best to comfort you. Your Dad and I are exhausted now after several rough nights where you couldn't sleep and he would pace the room rocking and singing or I would cuddle and nurse you back to sleep. Parenting is hard at times but we both say you are the best thing that ever happened to us.

Love, your Mum
