Nine months

Dear Mini,

You just turned nine months. So now you have been in the "outside world" as long as you were existing inside of me. I am really enjoying getting to know your personality! You are playful, affectionate, curious, adventurous and funny. I love you so much. I feel like we have bonded more lately. It took me awhile to figure out motherhood! However now we have a nice rhythm.

Your Dad is also crazy about you. When you were a newborn I would catch him telling you "I love you so much". It was so sweet. I hope we are doing a good job as parents! I think we are. People are always commenting on how happy you are and it makes me feel like we are doing something right.

You can army crawl. I wonder will you figure out other ways of crawling or will you focus on learning to walk. You already love for us to hold you up in a standing position and "walk" with you around the room. You say "bababa" and "dadada" though I'm not sure if you know what they mean! You love playing "peekaboo" with us. It is the cutest thing.

I am back at work part time and whenever I come home you greet me with a big smile and make little squeals of happiness. Then I take you into my arms and we dance around the kitchen while I sing "together again" and plant kisses on your face. Right now you still need me so much. It can be exhausting at night when you wake up so often but I still love our cuddles and I know the day will come when you don't need me as much so I don't take this time for granted.

On the one hand I am looking forward to our future together - trips to the zoo, travelling, playing games. However I also know I will miss the baby stage and I want to appreciate each moment.

your Mum
